No one enjoys having wasps and hornets around. Wasps can put a severe damper on your outdoor activity, or even in your house during the summer. Because of the high population, it is usually the time to either deal with them or run around screaming or ruin a perfect afternoon nursing a seriously nasty welt.
Below is a deep dive into how to kill and get rid of the dangerous wasps and hornets.
Wasp prevention
Almost all, if not all, flying insects are territorial. They will not build a new nest further away from the already existing nest. You can take advantage of this by hanging a fake wasp nest in a visible location early before the summer season. This will lure and kill them before they make your home their little paradise.
Early intervention
Changing weather patterns may, at times, open cracks around your doors and windows that wasp and honest can easily take advantage of. For this reason, you should always keep an eye out for any nesting activities around your home. New nests are always tiny, with just a few egg cells. Hence, they can be easily knocked down and stepped on if the queen is away. Also, relatively more giant but still small nests can be knocked down but using a bit of caution. Dress in gloves, a high neck long-sleeved shirt, long pants tucked into socks, and a head net.
Nest drenching
This is a risky but effective method. If you have identified the wasp nest, you can drench it using insecticides spray specifically for wasps. Stand at a distance and start spraying the areas around the nest with pesticides. After, create a steady stream of the spay and thoroughly drench the nest. As the wasps begin to fly out, try and spray as many as possible. Once you confirm all the wasps are gone, knock down the nest and destroy it. If you cannot perform this, you can ask for help from companies such as Portland wasp control.
Remove food sources
Wasps and hornets are attracted to sweet food or foods with high levels of protein. Make sure that you properly store these kinds of food sources. These include leftovers and pet food. You should know that once wasps and hornet get a reliable food source, they will imprint that source. Even when you remove the source, be sure to deal with pests hovering around in search of food. In the summer, wasps and hornets switch to sweetened food. This is because flying requires lots of energy for these insects, and they begin to die without a food source.
Perimeter spraying
This is an effective preventive measure to help mitigate wasps and prevent them from creating more nets around your house. For this method, you need to buy the correct insecticides. Spray the insecticides in areas where you have seen wasps flying. Insecticides can be harmful to plants and other living organisms, so it isn’t advisable to spray directly on plants on other living things. This is an excellent method to use if you aren’t able to locate the wasps’ nest. While it will not fully eradicate them, it will help send the wasps away, thus reducing the level of danger. It also gives you time to search and locate the nest.
As much as other people can peacefully coexist with wasps and hornets, leaving the nest alone can make others unsettled. Wasps’ stings are painful and can be harmful in case of a dangerous raid. It is essential to know how to get rid of the wasps or hornets effectively. Companies, such as Portland wasp control are also available to provide professional help.
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