Even if CBD has been exploding in popularity lately, there are still many misconceptions floating around about it. A lot of these are because of CBD’s relationship with cannabis. But CBD is a very different product from marijuana and persisting myths about CBD could rob you of all of its benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths and misconceptions about CBD and the truth behind them.
CBD will Get You High
This is probably one of the most disastrous myths about CBD. CBD’s effect is nothing like that of marijuana. What causes marijuana to have this psychoactive high is THC, which should not be present in a CBD product in high enough quantities to get you high unless you decide to go for a product that mixes both. If you want to know more about the true effects of CBD and what you can expect, we suggest you check out blncdnaturals.com.
CBD is not Legal Federally
Again, not true. CBD is legal as long as it comes from industrial hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC. This is why you must choose your suppliers wisely. You want to go with someone who can prove the provenance of their source product and can show you a lab analysis for their product. This will be the only way to know if the product is legal and what exactly is in it.
Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil are the Same
This is a very pernicious myth and one a lot of people fall for, unfortunately. Hemp seed oil and CBD oil are very different products. CBD oil can be extracted from the whole plant while hemp seed oil comes from the seed only. Hemp seed oil will usually have very little CBD in it and they will trick you with volume. This is why you need to focus on concentration first and foremost.
The Effects of CBD have not Been Proven
A lot of skeptics question the efficacy of CBD and claim that there are no real studies that show its benefits, but there is plenty of literature that proves otherwise. One study that was conducted by the University of Sao Paulo found that people who used CBD before speaking in public had fewer stress indicators in their blood. Many studies have also shown the benefits of CBD to treat seizures.
So much so that the WHO released a comprehensive study on CBD where they stated that there was preliminary evidence that CBD could help with things like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There’s also an FDA approved spray by the name of Sativex that has been developed to treat MS symptoms seizures that contain CBD. None of this would be possible without cold hard evidence that CBD does work for some conditions.
These are all common myths about CBD that you should forget right away. Instead, do your research and take your time before choosing your first supplier.
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