Joon Faii Ong is a qualified researcher on Essential Tremors and has helped over 2000 patients understand their condition and achieve better control of it. While some tremors are harmless, Dr. Ong advises that certain tremors should cause concern.
Dr. Ong mentioned ten signs of tremors that you should not ignore:
1. The first sign of Essential Tremors should not be ignored, and one must seek immediate medical attention if they face any of the following symptoms:
- Severe loss of control over their hands, arms, legs, or head movements
- Loss of balance and fall
- Difficulty in speech or swallowing
- Weakness in the hands, arms, feet, or legs.
2. The second sign that should not be ignored is when tremors worsen over time without proper treatment. This usually happens in patients whose condition goes untreated for an extended period, leading to serious consequences.
3. The third sign to look out for is chronic tremors that worsen over time but continue even after treatment. This happens when the patient does not take their medications (especially Clonazepam) regularly or misses shots of Botox, which are commonly used to treat Essential Tremors in Singapore.
4. The fourth sign of Essential Tremors to take note of is the existence of another neurological condition in addition to tremors. This happens when Essential Tremors co-exists with other conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, or cerebral palsy.
5. The fifth sign that should not be treated lightly is when tremors are accompanied by loss of consciousness or seizures. One should seek immediate medical attention if this happens, like loss of consciousness may result in serious injuries like fractures and head injuries due to falls.
6. The sixth sign that is often overlooked is when tremors are not present for most of the day but only appear during certain times of the day or night. This usually occurs when there are changes in the body clock or sleep routine. But, again, this can be improved if sleep is properly managed.
7. The seventh sign that may be ignored is when tremors strike suddenly without any warning signs. This usually happens when blood pressure drops within a short period. Again, this requires immediate medical attention as it could lead to serious conditions, such as a stroke or a heart attack.
8. The eighth sign that should not be ignored is when one tends to daydream excessively. This may be from excessive dozing during the day, which can lead to sleep deprivation and fatigue. This could also affect concentration and proper memory consolidation of new information.
9. The ninth sign is when tremors are worse towards the end of the day. This is usually caused by stress or fatigue due to a heavy work schedule, leading to physical and mental exhaustion.
10. The tenth sign that should not be ignored is tremors in both hands, causing significant impairment of daily tasks such as eating, writing, etc. This is usually caused by a head injury, which can have long-term effects on one’s health.
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