When it comes to lip augmentation Chicago has a wealth of options which you could consider and over the last decade the city has really become a hub for all manner of cosmetic procedures. One particular procedure which I have had several times is lip augmentation and that is what we are going to speak about today, in terms of sharing some information which you need to know about this popular cosmetic procedure.
If you are thinking about having your lips done then it is a great idea and something which you are just going to love, and here is what you need to know about it when you do.
What Is The Procedure Like?
The bets advice that I can give to anyone who wants to have their lips boosted is to ensure that they have fully discussed the situation with their beautician or their cosmetic surgeon before anything gets injected into anywhere. The reason for this is that we all have different expectations and different ideas around lip augmentation and what impact we wish to see. For example whenever I go in I know that I want me lips to be plumped up a little and ever so slightly filled out, but I am never looking for those big chunky lips which some of the models you see in magazines have. Be sure to make your expectations absolutely clear before you start.
I have seen a lot of people talk about the safety of these injections and the reality is that there is so much myth surrounding this. Ultimately those horrible stories which we see in magazines and the like, comes from people who do not go in for professional fillers but instead prefer to inject any old substance into their lips to try and get the same results. Dermal fillers are incredibly safe and if you are worried about any kind of allergic reaction then you shouldn’t because you will be tested for this before you have the injections.
Effects of The Lip Augmentation
Straight after the injections your lips will look far more plump than they will eventually settle to be, and that is simply because the injection has only just gone in. Once this is done however you will find that in a matter of hours things settle down and you will be able to see the full results. In terms of how long those results will last, this depends on the makeup of your body. For me I generally get around 4 months of full impact before my body starts to absorb the dermal filler and the lips gradually reduce back to the size they were before the procedure.
To anyone out there who is worried about their lips going back to their normal size, I can assure you that this is what will happen over time. This is because of the fact that your body naturally absorbs the chemicals, trust me however, I would rather that this was not the case.
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