As tempting as it can be to decline an extended warranty when you are offered it, the truth is that your best interest will be taken care of when you actually sign up for one. There is some variety in what they are able to offer but the best extended service contracts secure you after your warranty is expired and they act as an insurance policy for potentially expensive issues which take place with the vehicle. Most people don’t want to take this on at the pint of purchase and usually that is because they are already spending enough money and they don’t want to spend more. Another reason why many decline is that their initial warranty is often for 3 years and they don’t wish to think much beyond that.
The reality however is that these contracts offer you with a great deal of value and if you get the chance to extend that warranty then here is exactly why you should.
Things Go Wrong
It may sound incredibly basic but the reality is that things do go wrong and when they do you are going to be incredibly thankful that you had hat warranty in place. The manufacturer is who offer the original warranty, confident that their vehicles will work perfectly for at the very least the first 3 years, if anything does go wrong it will generally happen after that 3 year point which is why you will benefit greatly from getting this level of protection.
Financial Peace of Mind
Always having to think about the possibility of something going orange and having to pay for it weighs heavy, which is why looking at getting an extended warranty will help out. Using this you can ensure that you don’t have to keep money to one side in case that thing happens and there is a real ease that you will find when you know that you have that additional layer of protection.
Selling it On
Many people decline his kind of offer because they have no real plans to keep the vehicle beyond the 3 or 4 year mark, but the great thing about these contracts is that they can be handed over to someone else. Not only could this make that vehicle of yours a little bit more attractive, you can also add a touch more onto the value because of that protection which you are going to be giving the new owner.
Insurance is always a tricky one because if you pay for it and then you end up not using it then you will be annoyed and perhaps regret taking the decision. The opposite scenario however, that you could potentially say no and then find yourself in a position where you are paying top dollar to have an issue fixed, well that is a far worse prospect than having insurance you didn’t use. Make sure that you think about this decision fully when you are offered an extended warranty.
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