If you have decided to sell your own home, then you will be hosting your open house. This can be a wonderful opportunity to show off the home you are so proud of. Here are some suggestions to help make this day a success.
- Marketing: This might seem obvious, but it is a detail often overlooked or underappreciated. Don’t assume people will notice one sign out front. This is the time to spread the word. Talk up your property on social media. Make it a Facebook event, and make sure your neighbours know. Consider your signage carefully too, it needs to be well-placed, classy, and clearly stated.
- Pick the Right Time: For your open house to be a success, timing is important. If you choose a time when people are unlikely to be free, you are limiting your exposure. Try to pick a time when people are likely to be free. Weekends are the best choice, but also consider evenings to attract a different crowd. Agents generally choose noon to mid-afternoon for their open houses. Another thing to look for is, if there are any other open houses happening near you. If you make yours at the same time, you can capitalise on their advertising and get some free publicity. If you use Local Agent Finder in Queensland, you can make contact with the best agent in the area.
- Stage the House: Staging is critical, you need your house to be seen in its best possible light. Clean, clean, clean, and get rid of clutter. Less is more, the people want to see the house, not your kids’ game systems. Consider making some modern updates. Like light fixtures and décor items. See if you can borrow some nice things from friends. Go outside and cut your lawn and trim the hedges, get rid of clutter wherever you find it.
- Educate the Buyers: When the potential buyers arrive, they are going to ask a lot of questions. Be prepared, make a list of things that are special about the property. Make sure you understand the regulations for selling your own home. If there some important issues, have good answers to eliminate the mystery. If you have had an evaluation or an inspection, share that information with them. Be an open book, but don’t volunteer any negative information unless it is essential knowledge.
- Collect Contact Info and Follow up: It is important to keep a notebook handy, to jot down the potential client’s names and whatever contact info they let you have. Another thing you can do is have people fill out information when they arrive. You are the salesperson, so this is the time for selling, and follow ups are critical. Having contact information is also useful for security reasons.
If you love your home people are going to see it in how you describe it. Treat your home like a treasure. Dress it up and let everybody know it is time to come and see. Only you know the true benefits of living there. But make sure you follow up too. Don’t let those nibblers get away.
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