Nadya Suleman made international headlines when she gave birth to octuplets after undergoing IVF treatment. To learn about Suleman’s large, happy family simply continue reading to discover a few fun facts about Suleman’s large brood.
A guide to Octomom Nadya Suleman’s large family:
Suleman gave birth to six children before giving birth to her octuplets:
Suleman is the proud mom of 14 children. Prior to giving birth to her octuplets, Suleman gave birth to six children through IVF treatments. Two of which were fraternal twins. The names of Suleman’s first six children are Elijah, Amerah, Joshua, Aiden, Caylssa and Caleb. Calyssa Arielle Solomon and Caleb Solomon being the two fraternal twins.
46 medical professionals were involved in the births of the Suleman octuplets:
As giving birth to 8 babies at one time is extremely dangerous, 46 medical professionals were involved in the births of the Suleman octuplets. Which involved a tricky c section.
Suleman’s doctors were only expecting seven babies:
Suleman’s doctors were only expecting seven babies and were surprised when she gave birth to octuplets.
Suleman is only the second woman to give birth to surviving octuplets;
Prior to Suleman successfully giving birth to all 8 of her octuplets, there had only been one previous case of a woman successful giving birth to 8 life octuplets. As in ever other circumstance involving octuplets at least one baby was born still born. The names of Suleman’s octuplets are Noah, Maliyah, Isaiah, Nariyah, Jonah, Josiah, Jeremiah and Makai.
Suleman refused to name the fathers of her children:
Suleman claims that she used two different sperm donors. One of whom provided the sperm for her first six pregnancies and the second which provided the sperm for her octuplets.
Suleman’s children follow a vegan diet:
Suleman and her children enjoy a healthy vegan diet and all of Suleman’s children pitch in to help prepare family meals.
Suleman has received numerous death threats over the years:
Suleman has received numerous death threats and has even had individuals protesting outside her home, due to the fact that she decided to use the rest of your frozen eggs at one time, which resulted in the birth of her octuplets. A move many individuals believed was negligent due to the fact that she already had six healthy children. Other individuals worried that her children would be a burden to the state as it they believed that it would be unlikely that Suleman would be able to provide with her children with necessities such as housing and food.
Especially as Suleman was a single mother and was the beneficiary of several health benefits and would be unlikely to be able to work, in order to support her large family.
Suleman was quoted as saying that she hates children:
In a famous interview Suleman was quoted as saying that she hated children and although she loved her children, she regretted having children. Which also caused Suleman to gain critics, who believed that she was an unfit mother.
However in the end Suleman ended up successfully parenting all 14 of her children, who all seem to enjoy a high quality of life and who seem healthy and happy.
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