To discover some of the latest world news headlines, simply continue reading to discover a quick guide to some of the most shocking world news stories to feature in international headlines this week.
The Latest in World News
Hostpial workers protest Melania Trump’s visit to the Boston Medical Center:
After the First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump visited the Boston Medical Center, she was confronted with a crowd of around a dozen anti Trump protestors. Who were less than happy that Trump had decided to visit the busy Boston based hospital. Many of the individuals who chose to protest Trump’s visit were actually hospital employees who disagreed with Trump’s immigration policies. Which were designed to crack down on illegal immigration.
Forest fires wreck havoc in Australia:
1,000 firefighters are currently battling uncontrolled forrest fires in the state of New South Wales, in Australia. At one point in time the fire service reported that they had been called out to 96 fires, across New South Wales. As a result of the bush fires, many parts of New South Wales’ featured bright orange skies. While some towns in the state reported a heavy blanket of smog. Individuals in many parts of the state were told to evacuate, for their own safety.
British Airways may be forced to pay a whopping $230 million dollar fine:
British Airways is currently facing a fine which exceeds $230 million dollars Why is British Airways facing such a severe fine? British Airway’s website incurred a failure which resulted in the private details of over half a million customers, being comprised. During British Airways’ site’s failure, individuals who tried to visit their website were redirected to a fraudulent website.
Under a new privacy law which was passed by the European Union last year, British Airways may be held responsible for their error as their security systems may be deemed as being inadequate. However while a $230 million dollar fine may seem excessive, it’s only approximately 1.5% of British Airway’s annual profit.
The Chinese government decides to restrict teenagers from spending all their free time gaming:
The Chinese government has made international headlines after deciding to ban teenagers from playing more than 90 minutes of video games per day. Furthermore the Chinese government has also decided to ban teenagers from playing video games after 10 pm. In fact teen gamers won’t be able to play their favorite video games between 10 pm and 8 am. However, teenagers will be permitted to play 3 hours of video games on Saturdays and Sundays. As it’s the governments view that gaming can become a serious disease and can prevent youngsters from excelling at school.
Some young gamers are also disappointed to find that they’ll also be restricted when it comes to how much money they’re allowed to spend on online games.
A mormon American family were killed in Mexico by a Mexican drug cartel:
In shocking news an American mormon family who lived in isolation in Mexico, were gunned down by members of a Mexican drug cartel. In total nine women and children were killed as the result of a territorial dispute by two rival gangs. Neither of which had ties to the American family who tragically lost their lives in the cross fire. Currently local authorities believe the family may have been used as bait by one of the cartels.
Hopefully you now feel caught up with the latest international news. As the list above includes news stories from the UK, China, Mexico, USA and Australia.
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